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logo iuc of Turin | International University College of Turin

The International University College of Turin (IUC) was established in 2006 for the critical study of law and finance, as the institutional foundations of global capitalism

The International University College of Turin (IUC) is a small, authentically cosmopolitan institution, at the center of a network of critical study of globalization, with particular attention to other contexts, Asia, Africa, Latin America, which has been able to attract many renowned professors and researchers to Turin, including: the US Federal Judge Guido Calabresi, long-time dean of Yale Law School, the famous Frankfurt jurists Günter Frankenberg and Gunther Teubner, Duncan Kennedy (Harvard Law School), Talha Syed (California-Berkeley), Avi Singh (New Delhi), the economists Joseph Halevi (Sydney), Jan Toporowski (School of Oriental and African Studies in London), and finally the late Stefano Rodotà, IUC president for many years. The share of non-European students is over 2/3.


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