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History & Governance

The International University College of Turin

Calabrese debate | IUC of Turin | International University College of Turin
The International University College of Turin (IUC) was established in 2006 for the critical study of law and finance, as the institutional foundations of global capitalism. It has since pursued this mission through an openly interdisciplinary and comparative agenda.
The IUC programs specifically look to engage students and young scholars from all over the world with special emphasis on the periphery, or ‘global south’, with leading figures in economics, law and the humanities.


Since its establishment, the IUC has lodged itself at the heart of an emerging international network of critical scholarship, nurturing a distinctive focus on the institutional dimensions of global capitalism: the IUC approach.

  •  The IUC approach entails a determination to look beyond positivistic approaches to understand the plural complexity of the legal, financial and economic issues of our times.

  •  It feeds a global and cosmopolitan vocation, equally receptive to the North and the South of the world: a feature that makes the IUC stand out as a unique experiment in international legal education.

  •  IUC graduates are capable of framing and tackling legal problems, with a pronounced ability to situate them in the social and economic contexts in which they arise.

  •  Their distinctive methodological attentiveness is nurtured through an eclectic and interdisciplinary engagement that keeps abreast of the latest theoretical developments in the humanities and social sciences.

  •  The IUC curriculum maintains a pronounced focus on the economic and anthropological dimensions of legal problems, in order to help students nurture and develop their critical abilities and interdisciplinary orientations.

  •  The keen sensitivity of IUC graduates to the multiple dimensions at play in global legal and economic processes is aided by a comparative gaze on institutions, affording centrality to non-Eurocentric perspectives that are all too often relegated to the margins of policy and research.

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